Category Archives: theology

Embodied spirituality, sacrifice and the everyday sacred

This was going to be multiple posts, until I realized that I can’t separate the concepts enough to discuss them in isolation… and this will probably not be the last word on the topic, as I can already tell I’m not going to get all my thoughts out in this little space. Continue reading

Why Druidry?

In “Why Hellenism?“, I mentioned in passing that we joined ADF (Ár nDraíocht Féin) in 2001. I was already moving towards Hellenism at that point, but had not fully arrived; I had been peripherally aware of modern Druidry for a while, but had always viewed it as part of the “Celtic thing” and so had not paid it too much attention.

Then in early 2001 some good friends of ours joined OBOD, and that sparked us to do some research. Continue reading